Nicole Cramer

Name: Nicole Flora Cramer

Country of residence: Current resident of Nagu; originally from New York City

Training: Undergraduate degree in French Language & Linguistics; MD training; 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training; 25-hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training; 40-hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training; 5-month Sacred Facilitator Training; 5-month Ceremonial Cacao Training 

Points of interest: Holistic Health, Embodied Earth Wisdom, Heart-Centered Healing

When did you start your career as a course teacher? 2022

A dream course that you would prefer to attend? There are already so many amazing courses with Kombi. My dream is that soon I would be able to attend more courses in Swedish & also Finnish...working on my language skills!

What inspires you as a teacher? Opportunities to guide & share wisdom along with opportunities to remain a student myself, always learning from those who participate in my classes & other offerings. 

What greetings do you want to send to your future course participants? Come & relax, rest into your body & connect your heart. My courses & workshops are safe spaces for all ages, all bodies & all levels. To do yoga, at its essence, is a practice of relieving suffering - especially suffering of the mind. For this reason, my classes always bring a focus to the breath as a portal away from the mind. You are invited to always do only what feels good in your body on that day. You can also find me on instagram @nicolefloracramer & Facebook with my full name to join other classes, retreats, cacao & dance workshops, women's circles.